The Limp Home Procedures password is “2345” it is used when the immobilizer system fails. If the key PIN code does not match the code of the immobilizer system the engine of your vehicle will not start. Whenever you insert your ignition key into the ignition switch and turn it to ON, it checks, determines and verifies if the ignition key is valid or not. This is a PIN code that is in the immobilizer system and in you’re key. This PIN number is held with Kia Canada INC secure database, it can not be accessed by anyone except by Kia employees for security reasons. "All Kia Vehicles have an immobilizer password it is a six digit PIN number. The response from Kia shown below wasn't much help either and also written pretty badly as well. £50 EACH PIN CODE.I was also concerned about this issue and wrote to Kia since what the dealer told me didn't make sense in relation to what is in the Owner's Manual ( it is written rather poorly!). (06-19-2013, 08:38 PM)AutoDiagnosticTools Wrote: Immobilizer Pin Code Service £50 EACH PIN CODE.PLEASE CONTACT US FOR MORE INFO Pin by eeprom dump - ACURA, ALFA ROMEO, AUDI, BENTLEY, CADILAC, CHEVROLET, CHRYLER, CITROEN, DACIA, DODGE, FIAT, HOLDEN, HYUNDAI, INFINITY, IZUZU, IVECO, JEEP, KIA, LANCIA, MAZERATI, MAZDA, MERCEDES, MITSUBISHI, NISSAN, OPEL/VAUXHALL, PEUGEOT, PLYMOUTH, RENAULT, ROVER, SEAT, SKODA, SUZUKI, VOLVO and VOLKSWAGEN
Pin by crypted pin code - AUDI, BENTLEY, INFINITY, NISSAN, SEAT, SKODA, VOLKSWAGEN Pin by serial number of the KEY or immobilizer - DACIA, INFINITY, MAZDA (LUCAS immo only), NISSAN and RENAULT

Pin by VIN number - ACURA, HONDA, HYUNDAI, INFINITY, KIA and NISSAN Note: It is your own responsibility if you are using this service for illeagal purpose and if you provide us with wrong information and you get the wrong pin code. To receive your pin code we must first receive your payment. You will get the pin code within the same day or the following day. In order to get the correct pin code you must send us by e-mail the correct info for the car which is either VIN number, Key number, Serial number of the immobilizer, Crypted code or correct eeprom dump from the immobilizer. We can provide you with the Immobilizer pin code from VIN number, car model, Serial number of the key or immobilizer, Crypted code and eeprom dump from the immobilizer.